The work of the ASP connects and facilitates synergies between the Alumni and our worldwide communities to support the success of the Youth in our 3HO family.
Ananda Kaur & Amrit Singh Reinsch lived and worked at Miri Piri Academy (MPA) in Amritsar. In 2019 they started a new project in close collaboration with 3HO Europe. They have developed a Support Program for the MPA Alumni (ASP). They are currently working on supporting the MPA Alumni in different forms with a focus on the group activities. Amrit Singh gives through 1-1 coaching with a special focus on supporting young adults.
The ASP Members
Amrit SinghDirector of ASP Amrit Singh Reinsch has been studying Kundalini Yoga for over 25 years. His foundation was laid in Germany in the mid 90s. He then decided to move to India and dedicate his life’s work to help build and grow Miri Piri Academy in Amritsar for 20 years. There he lived with his beautiful wife Ananda Kaur from Mexico and his two kids. He recently moved back to Germany and now teaches in several Teacher Training programs worldwide. He is a KRI certified Level 3 Professional Teacher Trainer and practitioner of Sat Nam Rasayan.